Friday, October 29, 2004

Stupid Quote #2

Ok, this is an exception to the rule. I said I wouldn't quote stupid things from TV or any sort of media (seeing as it'd take less than 10 seconds to find such a quote from said sources), but this was too much to pass up:

"[The military operations in] Afghanistan and Iraq will be studied for years for their brilliance." - Dick Cheney.

I have no intention of making this a political blog (if you want one of those, check out my brother's at, but that's absolutely the dumbest thing I've heard all year regarding the war. Brilliant? The number of attacks that take place on a daily basis after our mission being "accomplished" flies in the face of any sort of logic behind stating this being a brilliant campaign.

Anyways, I'll probably have more to say regarding the world outside my cozy microcosm of existence in the coming weeks, with the election and everything. If Bush wins... Well, look forward to this page becoming rather cynical, as I'll be extremely pessimistic (more so than already) for... Oh, I dunno, a good four years.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Stupid Quote #1

From time to time, i'll post a simple, moronic quote that I overheard. Not from television or any sort of media, but in real life. These are said completely serious, no sarcasm or joking. So here's number one (occured last week; yeah, I got kinda lazy with this site)...

"You can get a DUI for anything man... I know a guy who got a DUI for walking. Crazy stuff."

Try wrapping your brain around that one.