Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm back! Only, not...

No posts in over a month, wow. Some of you must be terribly depressed right around now...

Well, for those of you who don't follow the largely asinine ramblings that my forums consist of, I'm leaving blogspot for a better place... A place to call my own! A place of freedom! A place where the servers never go down and posting errors are legends of old!

A place that I have to pay actual money for.

Yep, I'm moving. Blogspot has been alright, but there's a lot of little things I don't especially care for and I'd like to have some server space of my own anyways. So I'll fork out around $39 a year for a real domain name, 250 mb of server space, and 10 gigs of bandwidth per month. Not a bad deal, I say.

And rather than being one of those asses who posts "hey, I'm moving!" two or three months before they actually do anything, I opted to get everything set up and THEN announce it (on the main page, anyways). So, all my posts are on the new site along with all the comments (praise Jesus for Wordpress hacks; most of the comments here are absolutely priceless).

Well, that does it I suppose. Good riddance blogspot, and hello...