Thursday, May 05, 2005

If ignorance is bliss, welcome to paradise

It's become rather apparent to me that the average local of my area, while not being aptly named Bubba or Fred, lacks the reasoning skills that we're led to believe define humanity. To demonstrate this, I'll present issues that are pressing to us all through the eyes of Bob. Think of him as a representation of Northwest Montana: Dense, racist, and quick to anger.


Few places in the United States are whiter than Montana, and we're damn proud of it! There ain't no damn niggers up here and if there were, I'd shoot 'em!


Well-Yeah! Of course! I may not know too many* "colored folk", but dammit, they all steal! I've seen it! I watch Cops, you know. Always the blacks. And if it's not them, it's those damn Mexicans! I swear, when they aren't stealing your wallet, they ain't speakin' English. You're in America! We're an English speakin' nation, and have been ever since we killed all the natives!

*= Exactly zero.


Anyone who believes in Jesus is alright. Well, almost. Except those damn Jews. We should burn them, all of them.


Because! They're bad!

Don't tell me. They're trying to take over the world...

What are you yammerin' on about? They're just bad, plain and simple! South Park says so!

Political alignment:

Stupid gay liberals!

What's wrong with liberals?

They're... Gay! Always prancing around for gay rights this, pro-choice that, it's sick. They clearly haven't read the bible. Stupid fags.


If you're not heterosexual, you should fall into a fiery chasm of dooooom!!


Because, being gay is wrong.

How's that?

Um.... Well, because it's not productive to the human race!

Neither is mudding.

Yeah, but that's for recreation!

What do you think gay sex is? A joint effort to change human anatomy?

Well, um...

And furthermore, how does another's sexuality affect you in any direct way? What are they gonna do, touch you and get gay cooties all over you?

The bible says it's wrong, so there!

*Bob storms off in anger with a new found ire towards the better educated.*

These are all responses based on conversations I've either had or observed over the past year with students around my age. While this isn't everybody's thought process (there's a number of very intelligent people here), it's certainly the majority. And in case it isn't already exceedingly obvious, here's why this is pathetic:

1. 98% of the people in this town base their opinions of other races on hearsay. Going back to the slight anti-Semitism that surrounds me, I find it funny that none of the ones who claim to hate Jews are even vaguely aware of all the conspiracies surrounding the religion. You'd think at least one person would be able to pull out the "they control the media!" line or something to that effect, and at least then their idiocy would be sort of justifiable. Not so. It's just cool to hate the Jew I guess.

Alas, whether it's handed down to them by their parents or collected in their minds as a result of years of hanging out with white trash (who are such because of their parent's teachings, etc., etc.,), you can guarantee that at least 1 in 3 people you talk to in this town are racist for no other reason than simple stereotypes and fear. That's right: Fear. This is incredibly obvious by the fact that as soon as they see a black or Hispanic person they shut up and wait until they leave to say something. "Oooh, we should line them all up and shoot 'em!" But only when they're not expecting it! Least they put up a fight...

Hell, at least back in the '60s white people actually expressed their feelings about race rather than being pansies about it.

2. Questioning your own logic is out of the picture. "Why do I think like this? Because I do and it's right!" I think there's an actual mental block in these people that either needs to be surgically removed or bashed out with a blunt object. Question their reasoning, and they switch gears to spout off angrily at you, like some five year old who's pissed you caught him stealing cookies.

3. The whole human race seems to fall into two categories: Liberal and conservative. This is the most interesting part for me: Ask one of these fine people why liberals are bad and they give you this incredulous look, accompanied by something like "WHY?! Because they're all flaming homosexuals and all they do is whine like 'OoOoh, we should make everybody happy!'"

It's an astounding display of ignorance. I'd pity them, thinking "Well, they don't know any better," but then I realize that by now they should know better. It's like the moronic kids in class who can't grasp what's going on, so they sit back and make fun of everything, not realizing that sensible people don't think they're cool or rebellious. Just that they're raging idiots who will, inevitably, marry a cousin one day.

And thus the cycle repeats...