A strange day indeed.
So it's 4/20. Yes, that day when all the local pot-heads get excited because "duuude," *giggle*, "It's international pot-smoking day. Riiiight on..."
Also today:
2005: Pope Benedict XVI is announced to be John Paul's successor. Heil Deutschland!
1889: Hitler was born. A bit of violence occurred thereafter.
And the main reason for this update, least any of you forget it:
1999: Two high school seniors decide to go on a rampage at their school, killing 12 students, 1 teacher, and wounding 21 others. Given the amount of ammo and explosives they had, it's a small wonder so few died.
It should be noted that, although they were obsessed with Hitler and Nazi Germany, the attack was originally planned for the 19th (which is the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing). But my understanding is one of them couldn't get one of the guns (a tech nine) until that same day, so it would have to be put off. It's also fun to note, for those that try to blame certain aspects of society for the incident, that nobody has really been able to prove they liked Marilyn Manson. One of the shooters frequently quoted KMFDM lyrics on his webpage, but that's about it. And one of them made maps for Doom. Ooooh....
So there you have it: Quoting KMFDM and making FPS maps will turn you into a killer. Hell, I have 2 KMFDM cds, love playing FPSs, and frequent ogrish to boot. Better watch out!
An incident like this will happen again, I guarantee it. The fact that anyone could walk into my school and pull it off speaks to that. It'll be rural America, and far more than 13 will die.
One more reason to be thankful I'm graduating in a year.
Also today:
2005: Pope Benedict XVI is announced to be John Paul's successor. Heil Deutschland!
1889: Hitler was born. A bit of violence occurred thereafter.
And the main reason for this update, least any of you forget it:
1999: Two high school seniors decide to go on a rampage at their school, killing 12 students, 1 teacher, and wounding 21 others. Given the amount of ammo and explosives they had, it's a small wonder so few died.
It should be noted that, although they were obsessed with Hitler and Nazi Germany, the attack was originally planned for the 19th (which is the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing). But my understanding is one of them couldn't get one of the guns (a tech nine) until that same day, so it would have to be put off. It's also fun to note, for those that try to blame certain aspects of society for the incident, that nobody has really been able to prove they liked Marilyn Manson. One of the shooters frequently quoted KMFDM lyrics on his webpage, but that's about it. And one of them made maps for Doom. Ooooh....
So there you have it: Quoting KMFDM and making FPS maps will turn you into a killer. Hell, I have 2 KMFDM cds, love playing FPSs, and frequent ogrish to boot. Better watch out!
An incident like this will happen again, I guarantee it. The fact that anyone could walk into my school and pull it off speaks to that. It'll be rural America, and far more than 13 will die.
One more reason to be thankful I'm graduating in a year.