Thursday, March 17, 2005

Leben das Revolution!

I guess "Viva La Revolucion!" is the more popular phrase, but to be honest, I hate the French language, and German is cooler anyways. Putting it in English defeats the purpose altogether... You can't just walk around saying "Live the revolution", it sounds moronic! But when you put it in a foreign language, especially one like French, your social status is automatically upgraded from locker stuffing fodder to "hip."

Anyways, the point:

I started this site with the intention of "chronicling" the stupidity in my immediate area. This has proven to be a bit of a challenge, which is something I didn't think was possible. It's not that there's a lack of stupidity in general here, just specific things I can rant about. It'd be a bit boring if I constantly updated "person x can't type for shit" (where x, insert 95% of Troy High school, or 99.9% of Troy Jr. High) or "so-and-so said something hideously dumb today". Nope, I've gotta have something that leads off into 6 paragraphs of me ranting and raving, likely pissing somebody off in the process.

Thus, I'm expanding my horizons. Whatever I see, be it on the news, internet, or locally, I'll take it into consideration now. I didn't before, because for some ridiculous reason I adhere to guidelines I give myself. "They" call it self-discipline, but I call it an easy excuse not to update.

Good day.