Sunday, September 05, 2004

A filter for the gene pool?

If you've ever been to totse, you know that there's an abundance of really, really stupid (and crazy) people out there. A solid number of them are frequent posters on the forums but, occasionally, you see members with some intelligence.

So anyways, I'm browsing the forums as I do almost daily when I stumble across what's easily the best thread I've read in a good year there (whether or not its true is somewhat debatable, but I believe it). Check it out here:

Basically, this member (the gender of whom I'm not sure of, so bare with me) convinces a kid over an IM conversation that he/she's sorry for bullying him, and, knowing he's really into drugs (and not terribly bright), offers a suggestion: Spray raid into a bag and inhale for an amazing high. This kid says his mom won't be home for a few hours, so he goes and finds some, and then logs off to try. After awhile, he doesn't get back on. So the totse member calls his house, and gets no answer. He/she waits until the kid's mom comes home, calls again, and lo and behold: The kid is in a state of paralysis (except for one arm) and lacks the ability to speak. Sirens are heard later on...

Now, if you possess any intelligence whatsoever you'd know that inhaling something as poisonous as Raid is, well, a very bad idea. Obviously this kid was more than a bit shy of being smart. But it got me thinking... Here's stupidity in its purest form: Inhaling poisonous chemicals on purpose. Do you want this person reproducing? Or, for that matter, anybody that's reached the age of 15 and still lacks the very basic knowledge that toxins = owy? I know I don't. God knows how many more idiotic things they could do in their life, including harming others. Hell, they might even end up president. And we all know what happens when incredibly stupid people end up leading a nation... Countries in the Middle East get invaded.

And that's not much smarter than huffing Raid.